Dragon Shader (OSL)

The dragon scale shader is coded with OSL. I created sliders for the color, bump map, and displacement. This tool allows users to add a shader to a reptile to optimize, rather than sculpting on alpha brushes with a high resolution model.

Motion Capture (Python: Data Parsing)

The script allows users to import data of MoCap where for each frame, the points in the txt file of the motion capture suit is relayed on a row for the X, Y, and Z axis. After running the code in Python and importing the script into Houdini, the code allows users to render that specific MoCap data. To utilize the programming, the python node inside a geometry container works efficiently. On the right shows the final result of the MoCap render in redshift.

Example of point data imported:

Please scroll down to see more projects of mine implementing customized scripting tools.

Newton’s Cradle - Changeable Attributes (MEL & Python in Maya)

The newton's cradle is modeled and animated with python. Furthermore, the code allows users to change the shaders to their liking with an organized user interface of sliders. These changeable attributes include the metalness, transmission frequency, transmission amplitude, displacement frequency, first layer of color, and second layer of color.

These applied concepts creates a flexible

shading pipeline and controlled shading



Character Art


Groom & CFX